Reader Interactions
Exploring Equity Issues

Ensuring Access to Education for Students Who Are Homeless
Students who are homeless represent one of the highest need, and most challenging to serve, groups. Schools must first find them. These students are not necessarily living in shelters. They may be living with relatives, or in a car, or in a public place, or all of the above, moving from place to place. Educators must consider the impact of unstable living situations and related stressors on students’ educational needs. The McKinney-Vento Act mandates LEAs designate a school district liaison to ensure that students who are homeless receive services and protections. ESSA strengthens supports for them. Below we explore this topic further through an Equity Brief, a blog written by an inspirational practitioner, and a variety of external resources.
- Equity Brief: Students Experiencing Homelessness in the Age of ESSA
- The Practitioner’s Perspective: Mommy, Daddy, Where are We Sleeping Tonight?
- Monthly Digest: Newsletter from February 2018
- Webinar Transcript: Supporting Homeless Students with the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)