EduColor Summit 2021
OnlineThe EduColor Summit brings together some of the most innovative and community-centered educators from across the country to convene around the issues of pedagogy, agency, and equity. The event will be held on July 23, 2021 as an all-day event. This year, our keynote speakers include (in order of appearance): Professor Detra Price-Dennis of Teachers College, Columbia University 2021 National […]
Looking Back to Move Forward: Unpacking Our Own Racial Socialization
OnlineAs adults in the lives of children, we play vital roles in shaping how and what they learn about race. Whether we identify as White or BIPOC people, an important starting point is to look honestly at how we, ourselves, were socialized around race as children. What did we learn about being "White," "Asian American," […]
Thriving, Not Just Surviving: Centering the Needs of Transgender and Non-binary Students at School
OnlineAs anti-trans laws clash with Pride month, trans and non-binary students need advocates at school now more than ever. Following a brief introduction of gender identity terminology, and an overview of the recent Title IX regulations, this webinar will focus on a discussion with our trans and non-binary youth panelists on what educators and administrators […]
Family Day of Action/Día de acción familiar
OnlineJoin the National Center for Families Learning in a special supportive webinar for parents and caretakers. We’ll talk about advocating for educational programming and resources to address family needs. Across the country, schools are receiving a very large one-time increase in federal funding to address problems revealed by the COVID-19 pandemic. School districts and schools […]
Pedagogy of the Oppressed (Paulo Freire, 1970): Virtual Book Study
OnlineThree-Part Book Study (March 1, April 12 and May 24) In a community of practice, participants will read, discuss and interrogate Freire’s “Pedagogy of the Oppressed” and relate it to historical, current and future educational practice. Particularly attend to critical thinking about the ways in which Freire’s thinking can inform equitable education for English learners. The group will […]
NCSI TLC: Research-Informed Practices to Improve Outcomes for Black Students with Disabilities
OnlineWhat is the TLC Series? This is a free virtual series of engaging conversations with experts, focusing on questions related to the intersection of race and disability in special education and in education more broadly, to explore ways that systems can actively improve conditions and outcomes for Black students. Conversations are organized around NCSI’s four […]
Engaging Families In Re-Entry Planning
OnlineStudents and teachers have started to return to in-person instruction after an unprecedented year of virtual and hybrid schooling. As schools reopen, educators will need to consider a variety of needs. Those include academic as well as socio-emotional needs. How can schools and districts collaborate with families in the re-entry process? And how can we […]
Pedagogy of the Oppressed (Paulo Freire, 1970): Virtual Book Study
OnlineThree-Part Book Study (March 1, April 12 and May 24) In a community of practice, participants will read, discuss and interrogate Freire’s “Pedagogy of the Oppressed” and relate it to historical, current and future educational practice. Particularly attend to critical thinking about the ways in which Freire’s thinking can inform equitable education for English learners. The group will […]
2021 AERA Virtual Annual Meeting
OnlineDesigned with the attendee user experience very much in mind, the 2021 Virtual Annual Meeting will be a dynamic experience that provides for synchronous and asynchronous sessions, interactive paper presentations, workshop and professional development courses, plus networking and meet-up opportunities that can accommodate informal gatherings, receptions, and events. Most sessions will be offered in real […]
How to Effectively Respond to Bias Incidents in your School
OnlineThis webinar is based on the nationally distributed guide Responding to Bias Incidents in Middle and High Schools: Resources and Best Practices for School Administrators & Educators. By educating students about the impact of harmful language and behaviors, educators and administrators can actively challenge bias, cultivate inclusivity and model how students can do the same. Q&A […]